Aika-avaruutta/Within the Space of Time


A song cycle for soprano and piano composed to Suvi Nuotio's current poems about how our seasons are changing, transforming and remaining for future generations.

photo: Minna Leinonen

The song cycle contains five parts: Kevätkesän avaruus/Space of Spring-summer (2018), Tähtiä kuin hiekkaa/Stars like Sand (2024), Kuu, jota ei ole/Moon that doesn't exist (2024) Maailmanvaloa/Light of the World (2024) and Jo nyt, jo nyt?/Already, already now? (2024)

Each movement of the song cycle can be performed separately and in any order.


Meeri Pulakka, soprano

Mirka Viitala, piano

Kevätkesän avaruus/Space of Spring-summer

Kuu, jota ei ole/Moon that doesn´t exist

Maailmanvaloa/Light of the World

Jo nyt, jo nyt?/Already, already now?

Tähtiä kuin hiekkaa/Stars like Sand

Live recording of the concert by the Finnish Broadcast Radio 3rd of August 2024 

Musequal Festival F.p.
Koulukeskus Välkky, Turenki


3rd of August 2024 Musequal Festival F.p.

Koulukeskus Välkky, Turenki

Meeri Pulakka, soprano

Mirka Viitala, piano

Live recording of the concert by the Finnish Broadcast radio